This website has been opened for the residents of Kankinara. Here you will find all the information of Kankinara - School,Collage,Computer centre,Zym, Along with all the emergency phone numbers of Kankinara. Doctor, Teacher, electrician, plumber, NGOs are all there.
If you are a business in Kankinara,If you are a Freelancer Artist,Singer in Kankinara? you can provide your contact information on this site for free. You can also publish your song, dance, recitation, or travel videos on our official YouTube channel KANKINARA.COM.You can join our Facebook Group KANKINARA.COM for Advertise.

We love Kankinara

Bhatpara municipality
Bhatpara municipality

Bhatpara is a city and a municipality of North 24 Parganas district in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is a part of the area covered by Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority. Wikipedia
Area: 34.69 km²
Elevation: 12 m
PIN: 743123, 743124, 743125, 743126, 743127, 743128, 743129
Telephone no: 03325812082
 Visit Website.

Bhatpara municipality:

jagaddal police station
jagaddal police station

Jagaddal police station. 03325812980.
O.C- Pradip Kr. Dan
Address -7,E G P ROAD,
Area:-74.128 Sq K.M

Jagaddal police station:

bhatpara police station
bhatpara police station

WBhatpara police station.Ph. no-03325816662.Officer-in-charge-Shri Anupam Mondal.rite your text here...

Bhatpara police station:

bhatpara state general hospital
bhatpara state general hospital

Bhatpara state general hospital(Golghar hospital)
Phone Number: 03325812010.
Dr. Jayita Mutsuddi(Superintendent).

Golghar hospital:

kankinara railway station
kankinara railway station

Railway station=(Kankinara)next down station jagaddal ,next up station ticket counter is near platform no 4 platform.1 &3 is for up train,Those, that go north to West Bengal(krishnanagar,bandel).2&4 is for down train,Those, that go south to West Bengal(kolkata,sealdah).The nearest down station is Sealdah, from where all long distance trains are available.Sealdah station distance is 36 km and local train fare is 10 Rs.The nearest up station from where all long distance trains are available is Bandel junction. Bandel station distance is 13 km and local train fare is 5 Rs.Howrah station which is the biggest station of West Bengal, from where many trains from all over India come and go is 40 km from here,fare is 15 Rs.Contact number- 03325812987 .PIN-743129.Rail ticket booking

Kankinara rail station:

logo of
logo of

Contact Us

For any enquaries,assistance,please reach us to us.

Call/Whatsapp: +91 9433582375

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